Follwing methods of analysis and digestions are used by the research group Hydrogeochemistry and Hydrogeology:
Methods of analysis:
- Agilent ICP-OES 720
- Cations in solutions (solids as digestions)
- As-Specification by hydrid generation
- Contact: Christian Scholz
and Silvia Rheinberger 

- Varian Vista MPX
- Cations in solutions (solids as digestions)
- Contact: Christian Scholz
and Silvia Rheinberger 
- Thermo-Fisher-Scientific
- Element II
- Elementanalysis in solutions
- Analyses of rare earth elements with SeaFAST2
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger

- CRDS-Analyser
- Picarro G2201-i
- Cavity-Ringdown-Spectroscopy
- Analyses of concentration and δ13C-isotopy of CH4 and CO2 in atmosphere and water
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
and Moritz Schroll moritz.schroll@geow.uni-heidelberg.de

- Ionchromatography
- Dionex ICS 1100
- analysis of anions in solutions
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
and Silvia Rheinberger 
- Shimadzu
- Specification of carbon in solutions
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
and Christian Scholz 
- CS-Analyser
- CS-Analyser 144DR Leco
- analysis of carbon and sulfur in solid matter
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
, Christian Scholz
and Silvia Rheinberger 
- Mercury-Analyser
- AMA 254
- analysis of mercury in solid matter
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
and Christian Scholz 

- Photometer
- Analytik Jena Specord 50
- analysis of anions and cations in solutions
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger
and Christian Scholz 
- Digestion by microwave
- Ethos 1200 MLS
- pressure digestion
- Contact: Christian Scholz

- Autoclave
- Autoclav II MLS
- pressure digestion
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger

- Aufschlussblock
- Open acid digestions of solids
- Contact: Stefan Rheinberger